5 elements museum in Waidhofen/Ybbs, © 5-Elemente-Museum

Schauwiese Buchmais

Outdoor adventure


The wet meadow in Buchmais characterizes the landscape especially during the daffodil bloom. Due to the outflow of water from the slope, a large wet meadow has developed here, often standing on peat. The species-rich vegetation is dominated by wood-simse and various small sedges. The main flowering aspect of the meadow in mid-May is dominated by narcissus and numerous orchids.
orchids can be found.
Such areas have become very rare and are of the highest value in terms of nature conservation.

Here you can find the following special plant species:

    Broad-leaved orchid
    (Dactylorhiza majalis)
    Orchid plant
    Middle/end of May to middle of June
    Star daffodil
    (Narcissus radiiflorus)
    Daffodil family
    Middle/end of May to middle of June

The Ybbstal is a haven of rare flowers and plants. Would you like to learn more about daffodils, orchids and Co. More show meadows, excursion and vacation tips, an informative folder and dates for nature tours can be found at www.narzissenbluete.at!

Location and how to get there

  • Contact

    Schauwiese Buchmais

    3345 Göstling an der Ybbs

    Website: www.narzissenbluete.at

  • Public transport
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