Hikers & Bikers beware!

You can find an overview of the current closures in the hiking and mountain biking region here!

Status: July 22nd, 2024

Gaming / Lackenhof:

Hiking trails:

  • Vordere Tormäuer – Trübenbach hiking trail: The hiking trail will be CLOSED due to forestry work/road construction from Tuesday, May 31, 2022 until further notice. Alternative hike: The closed section of the path can be bypassed over a large area (1 km) via the Sommerer Bridge / Devil's Church / Devil's Church Hanging Bridge.

Lunz am See:

Hiking trails:

  • Walcherbauer, Seekopf hiking trail closed from February 7th, 2024 until further notice due to windthrow damage. There is an extreme risk of falling rocks!


Hiking trails:

  • Due to storm damage the hiking trail "Rund um den Schober" is closed until further notice.


Hiking trails:

  • Caution is required on all hiking trails.

Mountainbike trails:

  • Total closure of Gamssteintour until further notice.
  • All closures are in place even on weekends - acute danger to life!