Wellness at Ybbstal Alps
Take some time off from the stressful life and enjoy yourself in warm waters and steamy saunas.

Fresh spring water flows from the mountains into the valley and feeds the numerous rivers and streams with cold inlets. Lake Lunz, the only natural lake in Lower Austria, serves as a source of life for many animal species and regulates the climate. But not only the landscape and the fauna were formed by the many waters. In the Mendlingtal Valley, during the time of the "Schwarze Grafen", the power of water was used to transport the heavy logs needed for iron production.
Water was therefore a constant companion for the inhabitants of the Ybbstal Alps. Now it accompanies you during your stay in our region. "Water always finds its way", it is said - now find yours in our wide range of refreshing experiences.
Among our brochures you will also find numerous water experiences that you should not miss!